VaporGrip® Xtra Agent

  • ​// Soybeans
  • // Cotton

VaporGrip Xtra Agent  

Additional Reduction of Potential Volatility

VaporGrip® Xtra Agent is a tank mix adjuvant that delivers additional VaporGrip® Technology to further reduce potential dicamba volatility.

While XtendiMax® herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology, which has been classified as a restricted use pesticide, already includes VaporGrip Technology, the previously approved label requires the addition of a volatility reduction adjuvant (VRA) — such as VaporGrip Xtra Agent or an approved VRA equivalent — in the tank mix for application. For a list of approved VRAs, please go to the XtendiMax herbicide application requirements website.

How It Works

When dissolving any dicamba formulation in a tank, a number of factors (including salt of dicamba, tank-mix partners, and overall solution pH) can increase the potential for dicamba acid to form. Dicamba acid is the volatile form of dicamba and, if it does volatilize, it can potentially create off-target movement after spraying.

VaporGrip Technology inhibits the formation of dicamba acid by reducing the association of hydrogen molecules with dicamba. Through rigorous testing by Bayer and top U.S. academic weed scientists, VaporGrip Xtra Agent has been shown to effectively reduce dicamba’s volatility potential when used at a minimum rate of 20 oz/A.

Download FAQ and Trial Data PDF
Illustrated example of what happens when you plant without VaporGrip Technology 
Illustrated example of what happens when you plant with VaporGrip Technology 

Thoroughly Tested


Additional Assurance

Low-tunnel trials show — when combined with XtendiMax herbicide and Roundup PowerMAX® herbicide — VaporGrip Xtra Agent adds even more assurance against potential dicamba volatility.


Multistate Field Trials

VaporGrip Xtra Agent has been tested by U.S. academic weed scientists in low-tunnel field trials across 12 states in 2019-2020.

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