Plant With Confidence Offer

Plant With Confidence  

2021 Plant With Confidence Offer

Bayer realizes that farmers and dealers are making decisions on what seed and trait packages to select for the 2021 season. To help assist our customers in this decision, Bayer is introducing the Plant with Confidence Offer.

Our Offer*

While the EPA works towards a timely science-based decision on XtendiMax® herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology and other low volatility dicamba formulation registrations, we realize farmers are also seeking additional clarity on their alternative options. In the event that XtendiMax herbicide or another low volatility formulation isn’t available for use based upon EPA label decisions in the 2021 growing season, Bayer will continue to support farmers that choose Roundup Ready® Xtend Technology for their 2021 planting needs by providing farmers with:

  • $7 per unit price reduction** on qualifying Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans
  • $3 per unit price reduction** on qualifying XtendFlex® soybeans (if commercially available for 2021)
  • $40 per unit price reduction** on qualifying cotton with XtendFlex® Technology

We also recognize the challenges and inconvenience of managing through uncertainty as the planting and spray seasons approach. Therefore, we are committed to continue to provide this offer even if the EPA’s federal registration of XtendiMax herbicide or other low volatility dicamba formulations occurs after February 20, 2021 with one exception for certain Texas counties growing cotton with XtendFlex Technology.*** In this situation, farmers may both benefit from the offer and have the option to still be able to use this important tool in the fight against weed resistance if the registration occurs in-season.

Bayer hopes this Plant with Confidence Offer* will help farmers in developing their plans for a successful 2021 season.

Moving Forward

Bayer stands fully behind XtendiMax® herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology. We are proud of our role in bringing innovations like XtendiMax herbicide forward to help farmers safely, successfully, and sustainably protect their crops from weeds. We will continue working with the EPA, farmers, academics, and others to provide access to this important tool in the future.

Offer Overview:****

If the EPA provides a Federal registration for XtendiMax herbicide or other low volatility dicamba formulations on or before February 20, 2021, with exception for certain Texas counties growing cotton with XtendFlex Technology,*** the offer will be cancelled/voided.

If a decision is made by the EPA on XtendiMax herbicide and other low volatility dicamba formulations after February 20, 2021, with exception for certain Texas counties growing cotton with XtendFlex Technology,*** the farmer will be given the offer payment on their qualifying products.

Qualifying Farmers:

Farmers must have purchased any of the following products in the 2021 market year in an eligible brand and from an eligible seed seller:

  • Roundup Ready® 2 Xtend Soybeans
  • s
  • Bol
  • lgard II® XtendFlex® Cotto
  • n
  • Boll
  • gard® 3 XtendFlex® Cott
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  • Xte
  • ndFlex® Cot
  • ton

Offer Period:

The 2021 market year is September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2021.

Fulfillment Period:

Bayer will be fulfilling the offer as soon as possible, but no later than September 30, 2021. Bayer will work with the seed seller to help ensure farmers get their offer as quickly as possible per the terms of this program. If credits are distributed to the seed seller first, the seed seller is required to pay the farmer what they are owed under the offer from the offer funds distributed to the seed seller. If farmers haven’t received their credits by October 15, 2021, they should contact their seed seller. Farmers may receive credits from multiple seed sellers.

Offer Terms:

Per unit price reduction is based on 2021 market year net sales units of qualifying Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans, XtendFlex® soybeans and cotton with XtendFlex® Technology that are invoiced by Bayer.

Offer Conditions:

  2. Farmer offers are an important part of the marketing strategy for Bayer. If a farmer purchases Bayer products from a source other than Bayer (or a Bayer authorized seed seller), Bayer retains the option to deny payment to the farmer under the terms of the farmer offer. Only products purchased from Bayer or another Bayer authorized entity and sold to farmers are eligible for farmer offer payment.
  3. No commission, incentive, rebate, refund, discount or other promotional payment shall be paid on units of eligible products under market funding offers where the sale is executed via an online electronic point of sale system unless approved by Bayer in writing.
  4. Farmers will forfeit the offer if products are resold outside of Bayer’s authorized distribution or retail network.
  5. All federal, state, or local taxes on payments received under this offer are the sole responsibility of the payment recipient, and not of Bayer or its agents.
  6. Bayer reserves the final decision, in its absolute discretion, on whether purchasers are eligible farmers.
  7. Fraudulent reporting of purchase or sales information or documentation that Bayer, in its absolute discretion, believes are not made in good faith, are not made in the ordinary course of business or are made with the purpose of manipulating offer earnings, will be grounds for withholding or invalidating all offer payments or reimbursement of any payments already made as well as immediately terminating seed seller’s contract.
  8. Bayer reserves for a period of three (3) years from the 2021 Marketing Year the right to audit compliance with all conditions and provisions of this offer or other Bayer offers which includes, but is not limited to, an audit of seed seller or farmer’s books/records and an inspection of facilities. Any seed seller or farmer found to have submitted false or fraudulent information would be responsible for the cost of the offer audit and forfeiture of the applicable offer payments. If seed seller or farmer does not have the proper documentation for the three (3) year audit term, Bayer may treat such lack of valid documentation as if the sales were invalid and not properly made and subject to payment of the cost of the audit and forfeiture of offer payments.
  9. Bayer reserves the right to debit future payments due or otherwise seek reimbursement if errors are discovered after payments have been issued.