No dicamba herbicide may be used in-crop with this seed unless and until such use is approved or specifically permitted. For current approval statuses for in-crop dicamba use with this seed, call 1-844-RRXTEND or 1-866-99-BAYER, or contact the U.S. EPA or your state pesticide regulatory agency. Plants that are not tolerant to dicamba may be damaged or killed if exposed to dicamba herbicides.
XtendFlex® soybeans bring elite genetics and flexibility to your fields.
The 2024 launch class had a 2.7 bu/A advantage vs. E3® soybeans.*
*9,759 head-to-head comparisons in Bayer's 2023 breeding and market development germplasm trials v. key commercial E3® checks in major soybean growing regions +/- 0.2 RM. 64% win rate.
ThryvOn® Technology has built-in protection to help growers defend against key tarnished plant bugs and thrips species from the start.
Get advice for weed management recommendations to help increase your yield potential.
It's taken down the weeds, cleaned up the fields, and things are working like they're supposed to again.Rodney Greiner / Reinbeck, IA
It's taken down the weeds, cleaned up the fields, and things are working like they're supposed to